Luni Belsoli
But the world outside terrifies me
And I always feel like I’m crazy
Every time I leave my house
I can’t get the real world figured out
Current Themesong

Funny Numbers: 9BPA5PGPF5
Luni Belsoli is a 29 year old Coerthan; raised inside the Saint Endalim's Scholasticate within Ishgard from a very young age after her parents were killed in the dragonsong war. Learning from a young age she was unable to use aether; she studied in the art of the blade; becoming a knight captain within the brume; under House Durendaire. In time; she slowly began to realize how corrupt; and how wrong the Holy See was, despite her own family having been sacrificed in the war. for it's cause. She sought to do what was right, standing up for what she believed in vocally against the See; and payed the price. She was poisoned with a one of a kind mix of varying aetherical compounds alongside unsound and volatile fantasia which inadvertedly exposed her Garlean eye as it was forced from her skull. Beginning to shift; and contort; bones cracking; body breaking; she transformed into an Au-ra; the excess aether trapped within her churning; burning and making her sick. It was the goal of those who opposed her and the good of Ishgard; those in control of it whom wished to silence her; to show her for one who sympathized with Dragonkind and as someone who stood against everything Ishgard was in their feeble minds. She used this; slowly finding out she could shift at will; becoming a mighty force with the help of her loved ones; becoming skilled in the art of espionage and counter intelligence, helping bring about the end to the Dragonsong war on the side of the rebels and for the good of all. She now; having retired; and being labeled even after the war had ended as an enemy of the state of Ishgard, stays hidden, shifting forms and giving those she is hired by the experience of a lifetime, in any form they so desire; doing anything they so desire. For a price.